Registration form for new patients  
This form is intended for referring specialists and general practitioners. We ask that you complete this form as completely as possible and include all relevant documentation.
After sending this form, our planning department will process the data and the patient will be invited to the most appropriate outpatient clinic for this problem. If you have any questions, please call the following phone number:
  • +31 20 512 9111
Fields with a * are required.
Change language
Refer patient to
Referrer data
Referrer name *
Name institution *
Email *
Phone number *
Contact person for additional data
Patient data
Last name *
Initials *
Gender *
Date of birth *  mm-dd-yyyy
Address *
House nr. /  Addition *  
Postcode *
City *
Phone number *
Already been in the AVL?
Diagnosis and history
Oncological history
None-oncological history
Metastasis larger than 2cm
(Please attach print screen)
Image formation  mm-dd-yyyy
BRAF V600 mutation *
Age between 18 and 75 *
WHO PS 0 - 1 *
Evalueerbare ziekte na resectie laesie t.b.v. TIL productie (niet noodzakelijker wijs meetbaar volgens RECIST1.1) *
LDH Concentratie verhoogd *
Ejectiefractie > 40% en klinisch goede LV functie *
Baseline saturatie ≥ 92% bij kamerlucht *
HIV/HepB/HepC infectie *
CNS metastasen *
Indien ja, bestraald? *
Neurologische afwijkingen *
Andere significante comorbiditeit *
Appointment confirmation
Send confirmation to
Reference materials
(Imaging, Scopy, Pathology and/or OR)






Type the code for verification